Commercial Auto *Full name *Email *Do you have a phone number in the USA? YesNo Phone number: *Street address apt *City *ZIP Code *Is this the same address as the car's garage? YesNo Garage address (if different) City ZIP Code Name of your business registered in Florida *What is your occupation (painter, flooring, pool care, cleaning, landscaping)? *Do you have a partner? NoYes If so, what is their name? *Do you have any financed vehicles? Which one(s)? (ex. Toyota Corolla, 2019 Mazda) *Type of use of your vehicle(s) Personal OnlyPersonal and CommercialPersonal and UBER/LIFTCommercial Only *Is the vehicle's registration under a business name or your own name? PersonalBusiness *Do you have an active policy of General Liability? YesNo *Do you have an active policy for Workers' Compensation? YesNo *Do you currently have an auto insurance policy (personal or commercial) that has been active for at least six consecutive months? YesNo *Picture of the driver's license (DL) of everyone who will drive the car *VIN of each vehicle (attach a photo(s) or type in the number in the field(s) below) *VIN Any other relevant information that was not mentioned above?