Personal Auto *Full name: *Email *Do you have a phone number in the USA? YesNo Phone number *Street Address apt *City *ZIP Code *Do you own or rent your home in Florida? OwnRent *Do you have a partner? NoYes If yes, what is their name? *Any other person older than 14 live in this address (even if they don't or will not drive)? YesNo Please enter name and date of birth for all persons older than 14 who live in this address, whether or not they will drive. Even if they DO NOT DRIVE, Florida Law requires that all persons 14 and older be listed in the insurance policy. *What is your occupation? *Are any of your vehicles financed? Which? (ex: Toyota Corolla, 2019 Mazda) *Type of use of your vehicle(s) Personal onlyPersonal and CommercialPersonal and UBER/LIFTCommercial only *Is the vehicle's registration under a business name or your own name? PersonalBusiness *Do you currently have an active insurance policy? YesNo *Picture of the driver's license (DL) of everyone who will drive the car *VIN of each vehicle (attach a photo(s) or type in the number in the field(s) below) *VIN Any other relevant information that was not mentioned above?